alguém por favor pode me ajudar, com esse trabalho da escola?? e urgente pra agora mesmo!!
Faça um resumo em inglês de um filme! seu favorito que você gosta, com adjectives suffixs no mínimo 15 linhas, preciso disso o mais rápido possível para sexta feira agora,
alguém pode fazer?? a melhor resposta eu pontou!
titanics stories are amazing
one may say that those stories are boring or even pointless for nowadays, and then one may judge incorrectly what could be acknowledge within those testimonies, or just as one may say in this modern times ( anecdotes) which one may find rude,
early nineteen thousands where the industrial revolution was thriving, economic development was skyrocketing, which bewildered many bestowing them with great power in society and financial gains to support generations to come, by those huge financials gains companies together with some individuals started to create thousands of new products and more comfortable, technological means of transportation, was the begging of steam engines which by heating water created vapor that moved engines, hence the titanic was one of the most brilliant and gorgeous creations of the time.
with two hundred sixty nine meters in length was the biggest ship ever made then, moreover with outstanding fanciness when we are talking about the first class, huge salons with the ultimate quality furniture and cutlery all at disposal of two hundred and fifty first class passengers, they spare no expenses( note for myself> spend as much money as needed in order to make something as pleasant as possible)
however all of those features would not be appeased whether the food was not great, thus the White Ship Company made huge investments in food quality and something that was not expected at all by titanic's passengers which was even the third class got high quality food standards for 19 hundred, usually third class passengers had to bring with them all their cutlery and food, and prepare by themselves, nevertheless that was abolished in titanic's ship where even the third class was first class for the epoch.
last but not least the most important subject when talking about the titanic are the survivals stories, information on what they have gone through in those last moments when it sunk, testimonies such as Mr Soliet who said ´´ when i have realised the danger in which we were going through it was late for ones dear souls, that had accepted their fate and were playing piano some of them drinking, knowing their death was certainly soon, sad must i say a terrible gloomy environment took place inside that ship in those last moments, however i ran... ran to the stern as farm as i could! and all of the sudden i jumped for my life in freezing waters, and swung until i have reached the last life boat, in which a women i daresay a holy woman, have covered me with a rug! saving me! i was so grateful to her that i sworn that for the rest of my dearly life, i was going to do everything i could to make her life pleasant! and i served as bodyguard (without asking for any honorarium) of Madam Pompeii for over thirty years until her death, God bless her!´´
so with testimonials such as that we end up our little text about some curiosities about the eternal titanic!