• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: jhellitiribeiro
  • Perguntado 3 anos atrás

3 The following sentences are related to the text on icon with a word formed with the prefix un, in or page 58, Underlying causes of conflict. Replace each dis. Use the clues in parentheses to help you. Write che answers in your notebook. CONFLICT a. Violent conflict solves few problems, creates many, and breeds more conflict to come. (the opposite of healthy) b. What is conflict? It is the expression of over something important to both (or all) sides of a dispute. (the opposite of agreement) c. The most common conflicts occur when a particular group wants to be from a central government. (the opposite of dependent) d. Conflicts arise when people are with how they are governed. (the opposite of happy) ​


respondido por: eleniceadamczeski20



Explicação: conflito violento resolve poucos problemas além de não resolver problema resulta em mais confusões oque não e saudavel.

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