Faça um documentário em INGLÊS falando da "Importância do Inglês para nossa vida"
Me ajude por favor .
A partir daí, vou elaborar um podcast que o meu professor mandou fazer.
English is extremely important in our lives! as the most spoken language in the world and as the language of the money : since the major stocks are in countries that mainly speak English such as United States as well as England moreover when you are traveling abroad you can be sure that people will understand you if you are talking in English to them, even if they do not fully understand someone will grasp a idea of what you are saying since is the most used language related to tourism! and we are only talking about the benefits in your career or in your social life for instance, however there is a greater benefit in those who learn another language that is the changes in our own brain! when you are learning another language our brain enhances the our memory skills strengthening our brain pathways related to memory speak and even thoughts and creativity since when you have a second language you develop a larger baggage of words and interactions related to those words! therefore there will be only benefits when you are learning a new language! and if this language is English besides all those examples which i have told, there is the internet and entertainment advantages since you will be watching and listening to a myriad of different content that you surely do not have if you only speak Portuguese, there are lots of channels in English on youtube most of them without a real time translation, thus you will be able to understand it and watch and have fun watching thousands of hours of content in English as well as series and films in their native language which brings much more quality in my view to the spectator! furthermore there is also the perk of watching a series or film premiere in real time if those did not have simultaneous translation you can be ahead of your partners and friends in finishing first the episodes and avoiding spoilers of course that is my view however as i said before there are a wide range of benefits for those who want to adventure in language learning! it could be rough in the start but when you start grasping words sounds that you haven't had a slight idea before gives you an elation that you have never experience before! thus start learning now!