• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: NOT3
  • Perguntado 3 anos atrás

Alguém me ajuda nessas questões da foto, pfvr.


eduardafranzoni7: posta foto do enunciado
NOT3: Postei a foto do enunciado


respondido por: eduardafranzoni7


b) A: What was Mr. Lopes doing when the rain started?

B: He was driving

c) A: What were Rambo and Popcorn doing when you took the picture?

B: They were sleeping

d) A: What was Mrs. Bianchi doing when the nurse came?

B: She was reading

e) A: What were the people doing when Casey arrived?
B: They were dancing

f) A: What was that driver doing when the accident happened?

B: He was texting

NOT3: Obrigado de coração
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