• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: AlineSilva2001
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

Dear Pedro, My name is Mary Ann Silversmith. Mary is my first name. Ann is my middle name, and Silversmith is my last name. My first name is Mary because my parents like it. My middle name is Ann because it is my grandmother’s name. And my last name is Silversmith because that’s my dad’s name. I’m from Blue Falls, Iowa. It is a small town, but I love it there. I live in a house with a kitchen, a living room, four bedrooms ad a storage room. Our garden is also very nice. My family is not very big. My dad’s name is Alfred and my mom is Silvia. I have an older brother, Max, and he’s 18. I also have a little sister, Britney, she’s 4 and very cute ! And I have a dog too, his name is Napoleon. Next Thursday we have a nice holiday, it’s Thanksgiving. For this holiday we get together with all family members and eat delicious food. Then next month we have Christmas, on December 25. For Christmas the whole family gets together to celebrate Christ’s birth. Christmas is my favorite holiday because we put up a Christmas tree, and we open the gifts. I do lots of stuff in my free time. I play soccer in the school team. I like to hang out with my friends, to watch television and play video game. What about you? What do you like to do ? I’m really excited about having a pen pal in Brazil. I hope you’ll write soon. Sincerely, Mary Ann

Preciso encontrar 17 verbos nesse texto! Me ajudeeeem ! Por favor


respondido por: julianuxx
Verbos: is, like, am, love, live, isn't, have, get, eat, gets, put, open, do, play, watch, having, write.
respondido por: GabrielNuness
Os verbos mais abundantes no texto são:
To be (Is) - verbo "ser" (Mary is my first name.)
To love - verbo "amar" (but I love it there.)
To live - verbo "viver, morar" (I live in a house with a kitchen...)
To have - verbo "ter" (I have an older brother...)
To get - não há tradução literal (For this holiday we get together...)
To eat - verbo "comer" (...
eat delicious food...)
To celebrate - verbo "celebrar" (...
family gets together to celebrate Christ’s birth.)
To put - verbo "colocar, pôr" (...
because we put up a Christmas tree...)
To open - verbo "abrir" (...
and we open the gifts...)
To do - verbo auxiliar "fazer" (
I do lots of stuff in my free time.)
To play - verbo "jogar" (I play soccer in the school team.)
To hang out - "sair (com os amigos)" (
I like to hang out with my friends,)
To watch - verbo "assistir" (...to watch television...)
To write - verbo "escrever" (I hope you’ll write soon.)

OBS: Identifiquei todos os verbos presentes. Não há 17 verbos diferentes no texto.
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