go back to the articles you read in situated learning 5 (snake befriends its meal and cheeleader on a stretcher helps team pull off a win) and identify the answers for the 5 Ws and the H. Have you found most of them in the first paragraph (lead)?
Alguem pode me ajudar e para amanhã eu não to conseguindo fazer!
Preciso da respota! pf e no quadro sem as alternativas
Está faltando os artigos para identificar as 5 respostas para as 5 perguntas no inglês; porém, eu achei só um artigo, que server de exemplo para você fazer o outro.
Cheeleader on a stretcher helps team pull off a win (Líder de torcida na maca ajuda time a conseguir uma vitória)
1- Who (quem ) ?
R: De quem esta falando o artigo, Susan Gouldin
2- What ( o que )?
R: sobre o qué fala o artigo, cheerleader from KCW University on a stretcher helps team pull off a win. She is on a stretcher helps, because she fell from the top of the human pyramid.
3- Where (Onde )?
R: onde os eventos ocorreram, In KCW University campus, in Winston.
4- When (quando )?
R: quando os eventos ocorreram, during the Inter University Football Championship final
5- Why (porque )?
R: Porque ocorreu o acidente, when the stunt went wrong and she fell on her head.
6- How (como)?
R: Como aconteceu, During the half-time show, Gouldin was standing atop a human pyramid, when the stunt went wrong and she fell on her head. Emergency paramedics quickly immobilized her and put her on a stretcher, and the spirited teenager refused to leave the field.